Democratic Perspective – November 25 2019 Podcast

Originally posted on Democratic Perspective from Progressive Talk Radio on KAZM AM 780, Sedona, AZ

Michaels, Estes Interview – Podcast November 25, 2019

A Balanced Approach To Development. Democratic Perspective welcomes the first-ever Democratic candidate for Yavapai County Board of Supervisors, Donna Michaels, and one of her supporters, Steve Estes, director of Verde Valley Land Preservation. Michaels is running for the county’s 3rd District.

Michaels says one of the reasons she was asked to run was to change the way the county approaches development in the district. She says, “There’s a tone deafness about development. We’re looking through the wrong end of the telescope in terms of dealing with the Verde Valley.” Michaels believes that County Supervisors need to listen to residents so they feel they are a part of the process and that developments need to align with a community plan.

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