This first month as your supervisor has flown by. I’ve enjoyed hearing from so many new (to me!) people, getting to know my colleague supervisors and working with the County staff. I’ve received innumerable phone calls regarding constituent services, in addition to placing many calls on behalf of District 3 resident’s issues. You’ll find regular updates on my activities on my personal website as well as the Yavapai County Supervisors website
Here’s a quick drill down on a few accomplishments and some “work in process” on your behalf:
- Facilitated the reinstatement of the Verde Valley Humane Society contract;
- Saved millions of taxpayer dollars by making a motion at the January 6, 2021 Board of Supervisors meeting to cancel the Verde Connect project, which was passed unanimously.
- Advocated for a $7,000+ grant for the Verde Valley Senior Center. Due to the pandemic, the Senior Center’s congregate dining service were suspended and replaced with a “take-away” meal service . Food and delivery packaging costs increased as a result. This grant will help fill the funding gap;
- Initiated and advocated with our Sheriff, County Health and Spectrum Healthcare on the roll-out and video of POD vaccinations. This included efforts to recruit volunteers to maximize capacity;
- Initiated discussions with residents, community leaders, congressional offices, US Forest Service and others to address overuse/abuse of Forest Service areas;
- Initiated fully-executed Memo of Understanding between Jackpot Ranch Foundation and Veterans Equine Therapy Alliance (VETA);
- Engaged community stakeholders in survey development and citizen engagement for the Yavapai County Comprehensive Plan update;
- Hired Sally Jackson who is a highly qualified professional with deep family roots in the Verde Valley and now resides in Prescott;
- Your District 3 office also added Susie Fairchild of VOC and Charley Picther of Sedona to the team. Susie serves as a Yavapai County official Volunteer Director of Community Outreach, and will assist both Sally and me to assure effective community outreach. Charley is a new District 3 Planning and Zoning Commissioner.
Please reach out to my office with your concerns. Working together, we can make Yavapai County a more effective and responsive agency for our citizens.