
Accountability: I base my decisions on evidence-based data and on the expectations and needs of District 3 and Yavapai County residents.

Collaboration: I engage the diverse voter and resident population in order to leverage our communities’ significant collective power that includes skills, knowledge, and other resources.

Transparency: I communicate candidly with voters and residents the intention and purpose of my decisions and actions that affect our communities and the general citizenry.


Community Services: The need for additional or improved services should continued to be addressed through leaders advocating for more resources to support organizations that provide these services, especially to our most vulnerable residents, including children, the elderly, homeless, and domestic violence victims.

County Budget: The budget should be balanced, and budgetary decisions based on the most conservative actions possible that will provide for the health and safety of District 3 and Yavapai County residents.

County Taxes: All tax increases must align with voters’ and residents’ needs, expectations, and approval.

Education: Ensuring that our school districts, community college, professional development training, certifications, and lifelong learning opportunities thrive should be a fundamental priority for all elected officials and community leaders.

Homelessness: We need to substantially improve mental health care and other basic services, and formulate and implement workforce development programs that restore minds, bodies, and productivity for the affected population. This includes engaging in practices such as regenerative agriculture that will both teach skills while feeding and housing those willing to participate in a regenerative agriculture project.

Infrastructure: We are still at a critical infrastructure crossroads in our region. Whether it is the roads on which we drive, the transportation system we use or the trails we want to connect, our focus must not only be on costs and efficiency, but also on the extent to which these systems effectively align with and support community plans, needs, and expectations.

Mental Health: We must ensure that our Verde Valley communities’ family, friends, co-workers, and others can self-report, or be referred, in order to have mental and behavioral health and telehealth care services available in a more timely, caring, and professional system.

Protection of Natural Resources: Cooperative leadership throughout the region and state is essential to adequately address the burden and demand placed on our finite and diminishing water resources, as well as available land for development.

Regenerative and Sustainable Economic Development: By focusing on regenerative and sustainable economic development, our communities will continue to be part of a region that provides recreation, tourism, business enterprise, healthcare, workforce development, education, and quality of life that will be a model for other communities in the state. There is now a growing commitment to ensure we are a self-reliant Verde Valley, which I will continue to advocate for.

Veterans: Community leaders must be vocal advocates for the increased availability of high-quality, accessible mental health, and other care, along with affordable housing and workforce development.

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