We are so HAPPY to see they have chosen to endorse Donna Michaels for Yavapai County Supervisor for District 3!
Save the Dells is a Political Action Committee with the goal to provide voters with the information they need to make a sound decision in this election.
(from the email sent by Save the Dells)
We sent questionnaires to nine county and state candidates on Sept. 23rd We asked for responses by Sept. 30th. Five candidates responded. We sent follow-up emails to the other four to provide them with an opportunity to make a public statement as to why they did not fill out the questionnaire, and give them a chance to make a statement on the Granite Dells that we could publish in lieu of their questionnaire responses. By the Oct. 3rd deadline, none had provided comments. Below, we present the results of the 2020 candidate questionnaires, our comments, and a couple important endorsements. See the candidate questionnaire here.
Note: Save the Dells is not endorsing any candidate running unopposed. Therefore, a “no endorsement” decision for those candidates does not imply our opposition to their candidacy.
Here’s what you can do:
Option 1: You’re short on time. Just read this email and see what we’ve got to say. Then VOTE!
Option 2: You’ve got some free time. Read this email, check out the links, and compare candidate responses to key questions here. Then VOTE and get five friends to vote.
Option 3: You’re taking whatever time it takes to stay informed. After steps 1 and 2, read each candidate’s full responses, all linked below. Then VOTE. Finally, volunteer for your candidate of choice!
Bonus: Please help us out by making a donation to Save the Dells today!
Yavapai County Board of Supervisors District 3: Vote for Donna Michaels!
On the other side of Mingus Mountain, Save the Dells endorses Donna Michaels, who is running against incumbent Randy Garrison. Donna, whose website features the slogan “PROTECT, PRESERVE, and PROMOTE” is well prepared for the job, as she holds a doctorate in social policy and planning. Donna filled out our questionnaire, while Mr. Garrison did not. In responding to a question about our proposed Regional Park and Preserve, Donna stated that it’s “important for residents across our region to work collaboratively to ensure that these preserves exist in the whole of Yavapai County.” We couldn’t agree more. Yavapai County is growing rapidly and does not have a system in place to ensure fair and easy access to public parklands for all residents, from Bagdad to Beaver Creek. Yavapai County residents outside of Prescott or Sedona have few public natural parklands to enjoy. Tell your friends in Clarkdale, Cottonwood, Sedona, and the Village of Oak Creek to vote for Donna Michaels!