Yavapai-Apache Nation Donates to VV Meals On Wheels Program

Meals on Wheels Program Benefits from Yavapai-Apache Nation Gift

On March 25th, District 3 Supervisor Donna Michaels presented a $7,433 check on behalf of the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors from the Yavapai-Apache Nation (YAN) to the Verde Valley Senior Center, whose Meals on Wheels program served more than 89,000 meals to county seniors in need over the last year.

The donation from YAN comprises part of the Nation’s annual Proposition 202 charitable efforts. Passed in 2002, Prop 202 mandates that Arizona gaming tribes donate 12 percent of shared gaming revenues to city, town and county governments for services benefitting residents. The donated funds are passed along to local non-profit and public safety organizations.

Supervisor Michaels recommended Verde Valley Senior Center after learning that the agency had struggled financially due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in turn challenging team members to come up with efficient, creative ways to serve the Verde Valley’s most vulnerable residents. The allocation to VVSC was approved by the Board.

“Pre-pandemic, the Senior Center had a group dining area, which helped them serve hundreds of meals at once,” said Michaels. “COVID forced a change to ‘takeaway’ service and created more reliance on Meals On Wheels. Even so, this amazing program continues to get this vital job done.”

Supervisor Michaels thanked members of the Tribe, the Nation’s Tribal Council members and Chairman John Huey for YAN’s generosity and years-long support of county charitable efforts. “At a time when vulnerable residents are struggling and the pandemic continues to test us, our partnership with the Yavapai-Apache Nation means even more than in years past,” she said.

Chairman Huey described the ability to help county residents in need as an honor.

“The Yavapai-Apache Nation very much values our longstanding relationship with Yavapai County, its residents and important community groups like the Verde Valley Senior Center,” said Chairman Huey. “Every year, we feel honored to have the resources to help our neighbors, especially this year knowing how many people have struggled with the pandemic.”

In the picture below, you see (from left to right) VVSC leaders Sam Blom and Elaine Bremner accepting the donation from Supervisor Michaels and her executive assistant, Sally Jackson.

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